Emma Blakely (They/She/He)
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Emma Blakely (they/she/he) is a Copy Chief and writer at OutWrite. They are a fourth year MIMG and Communications double major and are in the UCLA Marching Band and researching with the Kohn Lab. They love good stories, dance, and listening to music and podcasts.

text me back!

Graphic by Steph Liu (She/Her) touch me like I’m not a friend. Don’t touch me on the shoulder; or Do, as long as you mean it like “i want you” and not like i told a joke and you’re just…

Do You Listen to girl in red? The History and Modern Usage of Signaling in the WLW Community

Graphic by Christopher Ikonomou (Xe/He) Now, modern queer and WLW communities have adapted queer signaling to their own fashion and pop cultures. girl in red, a Norwegian indie pop band headed by WLW singer-songwriter Marie Ulven, is one of these…