Shayna Maci Warner
13 Articles0 Comments

Shayna Maci Warner is a fourth year World Arts and Cultures major and Film minor. When she’s not debunking theories of time travel or dismantling the patriarchy, she can be found yelling at fictional characters for making stupid or easily avoidable decisions. She is honored to be the Managing Editor of OutWrite, as she thinks this newsmagazine is “rad as heck, yo.”

In Defense of Valentine’s Day

Image by Dave Gunn/Creative Commons I love Valentine’s Day. There. I said it, and I’m not even slightly ashamed. I’m not ashamed of my torrid love affair with chocolate, or the fact that while I prefer daisies, I find a…

This Week on Queer (Internet) TV: Lesbian Vampires, or 20 Reasons to Binge-Watch Carmilla

Still by Jordan Hall, Steph Ouaknine and Jay Bennett In light of upcoming finals and the impending wave of panic and self-loathing that’s sure to crowd my senses in these coming weeks, I’ve decided to do a favor to myself…

This Week on Queer TV: Bike-sexual?

Still via ABC In a recent conversation with a classmate, I engineered a concept for a television show that will knock the viewing public on its collective behind. I’m no genius, but I believe the shock value of this pitch…