Julianne Lempert (She/Her)
5 Articles0 Comments

Julianne Lempert (she/her) is a writer at OutWrite. She is a third year Political Science major. She loves working on advocacy projects, skateboarding, and listening to Taylor Swift.

FDA Removes Ban on Queer Men Donating Blood

On May 11, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially struck down its ban on blood donations from queer men. This news comes less than four months after the FDA initially proposed these changes in January for a 60-day public comment period.

The Homophiles, the Liberationists, and Us

Activism is rough, and we throw a lot of words around at each other. “Assimilationist!” “Unrealistic!” “Conformist!” “Aggressive!” LGBTQ+ activism has not only been met with virulent backlash from the cisgender, heterosexual side of society but also has been plagued by intra-community conflict on the best ways to do things. The tension surrounding LGBTQ+ activism boils down to a push and pull between outright rebellion and more incremental forms of justice. This conflict is not specific to the LGBTQ+ community; all sorts of movements spanning different identities and ideas encounter the contentious dichotomy between abolition and reform.

Straight Women Rules: A Guide to Being the Perfect Lesbian®

There’s a lot of wondering and a lot of waiting. I understand what you might be feeling. I know that you’re biting your tongue, and always waiting till you make them uncomfortable.

Pedophilia Hysteria: How Did We Get Here?

To be frank, conservatives across the country are going hysterical. Far-right Republicans have co-opted the term “family-friendly” into a sensationalized rallying cry for concerned conservative parents. The purported link between pedophilia and queerness has created an uptick of anti-gay and anti-trans legislation that one NPR article even referred to as a “cascade.”

Who’s To Blame?

Illustrated by Kelly Doherty (She/Her) Straight people can be homophobic. While this may not appear controversial at first glance, vetting media representation of homophobia illuminates the salience and necessity of this assertion. By perpetuating the trope that homophobic individuals are…