Mia Riedel (She/Her)
4 Articles0 Comments

M R (she/her) is a writer with OutWrite and is going into her fourth year of school. She is a Philosophy and History double major who loves cartoons and horror video games.

Ronald Reagan and Creating the Conditions for Satanic Panic

The Satanic Panic almost perfectly coincides with former-President Reagan’s term, beginning in 1980 and dying out by the early 1990s while Reagan’s presidency lasted from 1981 to 1989. While Reagan himself did not acknowledge the moral panic, he created the perfect conditions for it and knew how to champion himself as its hero.

The Hidden Homophobe: An Analysis of Sleeping With The Homophobe (Fall 2000)

Graphic by Christopher Ikonomou (Xe/He) *This article is a modern analysis of the themes and content of “Sleeping With The Homophobe“ (Fall 2000), the tenth installment of our From The Archive series.* So, really, how gay is California? Jordan, the author…

The Lavender Laws

A deep dive into the history of legal rights for the LGBTQ+ community in the United States

Taking A Step Back: An Analysis of Homosexuality in 9 Easy Steps (Fall 2000)

Photo via Lil Nas X on Twitter *This article is a modern analysis of the themes and content of “Homosexuality in 9 Easy Steps” (Fall 2000), the fourth installment of our From The Archive series.* How much has the understanding of…