
Sappho in the Modern Day

Charlie Richmond/OutWrite Content warning: Discussion of lesbophobia. “someone will remember us I say even in another time” • Sappho, fragment 147, trans. Ann Carson Since the 1970s, the use of the term Sapphic in reference to lesbians has grown in…

Pride Admit Weekend Needs You!

PAW, like many other organizations on campus, is entirely student-run. From the directors to the volunteers, PAW is planned, budgeted, and executed by students. However, this also means that without enough student interest, PAW could cease to exist, eliminating one of the only queer-focused admit weekends in the country.

Stand Up, Fight Back! AFSCME 3299 Workers and Student Advocates Strike

On Nov. 20 and 21, Local 3299 workers picketed in front of the Ronald Reagan Medical Hospital, Luskin Conference Center, and at Bruin Plaza from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Across the UC campuses, more than 37,000 workers joined the AFSCME picket lines. Students demonstrated in solidarity, mobilized by the Student Labor Advocacy Project (SLAP) at UCLA. 

Meet the New LGBTQ+ Center Director!

After one week as director, Vanessa González-Siegel sat down with OutWrite so we could get to know more about her personal life, what brought her to Los Angeles, and what she hopes to accomplish in her new role.

Students and Faculty Sue UC Regents Over Free Speech Infringement During Pro-Palestine Encampment

Four UCLA community members are suing the UC Regents for violating the First Amendment right to free speech and allowing police and a Zionist mob to brutalize members of the non-violent encampment in Spring of 2024.

Can Queerbaiting Exist In A World Where Sexuality Is Fluid?

Since a heterosexual-presenting couple got a sex scene on screen while Caitlyn and Vi didn’t even kiss by the end of the first season, many people felt as if their relationship was a part of a phenomenon known as queerbaiting.

Michael Drake’s Mask Ban Endangers More Than Just Protesters

Neither Drake’s statement nor UCLA’s policy mention the marginalized students harmed by the decree against masks, or the harms historically perpetrated by disproportionate police violence against these communities. 

Writing Helped Me Find My Queerness — Here’s How It Can Help You Find Yours: UCLA’s Queer Creative Writing Space

Whatever creative practice(s) you choose to incorporate into your life, I hope you find safety, joy, and queer liberation in them. That’s where queer liberation and liberation of the world lies — the stories we tell and the art we create.

Voidpunk and a Meditation on Human Bodies

I didn’t want to be human anymore.

Cringe Compilation #42: The Psychology of Cringe Culture

If you’re queer, someone else in the world cringes at your identity in the same way you do at furries; you could just as easily end up on “LGBTQ+ Cringe Compilation #32” as soon as someone decides your identity is cringeworthy, so why wait? Pick up that hobby you thought was embarrassing, and show it to your friends.