Isolation Sucks

Isolation sucks! Isolation when I already have abandonment issues, it sucks! Living on the hill during the Spring Quarter is lonely, it sucks! I feel forgotten, it sucks! I need a hug, it sucks! SUCK! SUCK! SUCK! UCLA without my…

UCLA Campus During COVID-19

Photo by Ajana Orozco – “Kerckhoff Hall and Bruin Walk” How has COVID-19 affected being a student at UCLA? Waiting for the light to change to green at Charles E. Young Drive with your schoolmates so you can all start…

Being Queer in a Small Town during COVID-19

Photos by Jaden King When UCLA announced that online instruction would begin Week 10 of winter quarter and last until April 10, ultimately to be extended throughout the remainder of the academic year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I contemplated…

Am I Queer Enough?

Graphic by Jade Lee. “Oh, you’ve never been to a GSA meeting?” my friend said to me as we sat in the hallway eating lunch. “That’s…interesting.”  I laughed at the judgment dripping from her tone. It was a typical kind…

Gender Neutral Pronouns: Anxiety, Autonomy, and Everything In Between

Graphic by Angela Z. CW: potential NBphobia, transphobia, references to dysphoria and body dysmorphia   Over the past few years, the transgender community has become increasingly visible, allowing a broader audience to hear about our issues. Non-binary, genderqueer, and other…


Graphic by Mark Julien. CW: mentions of suicide, pejorative language Words have power.  They can bruise and they can cut.  Although you cannot see the scars on my skin they are there.  I have been carefully and skillfully cut and the…

We Have a Responsibility
Graphic by Saachi Kotia The plight of the marginalized is a battle not fought alone. We only advance through unification and community. But how do you fight a war when your own team isn’t on your side?  Queer people of…
Why Fitting in Keeps Us from Standing Out

Graphic by Jeanine Lee The genre of queer television and film is slowly evolving. This fatigued pace is worrisome, as queer media has arguably never been more influential and we have reached a pinnacle for social change. The process of…

On the Importance of Community

Graphic by Angela Zheng Group distinctions, and the separation of people by identity, are sometimes suggested to be divisive and contrary to the idea of progress. Why divide by specific identity when you can connect through shared humanity? What fails…

Summer in the Closet

The reality of going back to being closeted in the summer after being out at college hit me hard as my mother helped me move out of my room. Posters, books, bags, magazines, everything that made me the average out-and-proud…