A black-and-white Victorian-era photograph of two white AMAB people dressed as women.
Misgendering the Misgendered

I first witnessed a transgender character misgendered by her own author in “The Man Who Thought Himself a Woman,” a short story published anonymously in 1857. The text was assigned for a queer short stories course at UCLA, and while I wasn’t surprised that a transgender character was misgendered by a writer in 1857, I was surprised that a professor of queer studies in 2023 would as well.

Two women almost kissing on a TV screen with a large superimposed question mark.
Can Queerbaiting Exist In A World Where Sexuality Is Fluid?

Since a heterosexual-presenting couple got a sex scene on screen while Caitlyn and Vi didn’t even kiss by the end of the first season, many people felt as if their relationship was a part of a phenomenon known as queerbaiting.

A black-and-white Victorian-era photograph of two white AMAB people dressed as women.
Misgendering the Misgendered

I first witnessed a transgender character misgendered by her own author in “The Man Who Thought Himself a Woman,” a short story published anonymously in 1857. The text was assigned for a queer short stories course at UCLA, and while I wasn’t surprised that a transgender character was misgendered by a writer in 1857, I was surprised that a professor of queer studies in 2023 would as well.

Bachmann Campaign Organizer Tied to Uganda “Kill The Gays” Movement

Photo by Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons The Advocate reported this morning that a key Bachmann campaign operative, Peter Waldron, has spent extended periods of time in Uganda, and that he has close connections with Martin Ssempa, the leader of the congregation…

Christine O’Donnell Walks Off Interview Set After Piers Morgan Asks About Gay Rights

Remember Christine O’Donnell? That lady who kind of looks like Sarah Palin who almost was elected to the US Senate in 2010? Christine O’Donnell was in the Tea Party before it was cool. She was the original scary white lady, with sound bites that make Palin look like Sandra Day O’Conner.