The Houseboy Phenomenon

“Masc traveled couple lookin” 4 young n hot college boi to join our fun and exciting  lives, compen$ation provided.” A house boy. Pretty much a live-in, paid-for companion to older “silver foxes” looking to shake things up. In greater and…

The Message of National Coming Out Week (NCOW)

Photo by Harry Wad/Wikimedia Commons From flags to cupcakes, rainbows made the presence of queer people rumble throughout campus last week as UCLA’s Queer Alliance celebrated National Coming Out Week. With such a variety of fun events, movie screenings, public…


Photo by Neven Krcmarek/Wikimedia Commons The most beautiful boy in the world lived in a castle in the sky with a mirror by his side. All alone, he wished on the full moon for a man who would make him…

8 Gay Cartoons You Grew Up With (and Always Knew About)

Photo via Pixabay So we had the ladies last week, now it’s the guys’ turn. Call me biased but, while composing the girls’ list was fun from beginning to end, this list made me feel… nostalgic. All these guys mean…

Dear Straight Boy in My English Class,

It’s true I sat down next to you, but you spoke to me first; you asked what shampoo I used. When you missed class, you asked me for my notes. And when I invited you over to review you spent…

Keep It to Yourself

Photo by Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons Such was Rick Santorum’s response when Stephen Hill, an openly gay soldier asked him about his stance on DADT. Santorum, former Pennsylvania senator and the golden boy of social conservatives, delivered this gem during one…

8 Lesbian Cartoons You Grew Up With (But Never Realized)

I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling like there weren’t very many queer role models when we were growing up–at least, not very many obvious ones.  Many of my contemporaries would recall feeling as children that there was no one…

Can’t Spell Sex without Ex PART 2: The Harem

So a gay redneck, a gay Mexican, and a gay Chinese guy start living together… No, it’s not the set up for a racist, homophobic joke; it’s my living situation. My ex-boyfriend and I were living in peace together (in…

Can’t Spell Sex without Ex PART 1

Photo by Brett Jordan/Flickr Once upon a time a twenty-two-year-old “friend of mine” made a big mistake. For fear of embarrassing the author of this blog, the identity of this “friend” shall remain confidential. But I’ll give you a hint:…

Woman, as Defined by Corporate America

Advertisements are a powerful influence on society, whether we care to admit it or not. And furthermore, advertisements are a company’s interpretation of its customers’ lives, albeit with more enthusiasm and catchy jingles. This means that the commercials we see on TV and the billboards we see across Sunset Boulevard are often intended to mimic what that company thinks we, the general public, are- or if not that, what we want to be. This is why I get so angered when I see ads that treat women like cleaning robots or housewives that live to serve their incompetent husbands. But not all companies manage to push my feminist buttons. Some ads, and companies in particular, treat women like the multi-faceted people they are, either allowing them to drive fast cars or have high-level jobs. This is a short list of some of the commercials on TV stations today, and what message they are conveying to the commercial-watching public, for the empowered better or outdated and out-of-touch worse.