Stand Up, Fight Back! AFSCME 3299 Workers and Student Advocates Strike
On Nov. 20 and 21, Local 3299 workers picketed in front of the Ronald Reagan Medical Hospital, Luskin Conference Center, and at Bruin Plaza from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Across the UC campuses, more than 37,000 workers joined the AFSCME picket lines. Students demonstrated in solidarity, mobilized by the Student Labor Advocacy Project (SLAP) at UCLA.
Can Queerbaiting Exist In A World Where Sexuality Is Fluid?
Since a heterosexual-presenting couple got a sex scene on screen while Caitlyn and Vi didn’t even kiss by the end of the first season, many people felt as if their relationship was a part of a phenomenon known as queerbaiting.
Misgendering the Misgendered
I first witnessed a transgender character misgendered by her own author in “The Man Who Thought Himself a Woman,” a short story published anonymously in 1857. The text was assigned for a queer short stories course at UCLA, and while I wasn’t surprised that a transgender character was misgendered by a writer in 1857, I was surprised that a professor of queer studies in 2023 would as well.
India Decriminalizes Queer Sex
Graphic by Angela Zheng On September 6, the Supreme Court of India issued a milestone ruling decriminalizing consensual gay sex, CNN reports. Stemming from a law imposed during British imperialism in India, the previously legal Section 377 dictated that “Whoever…
Starbucks Expands Healthcare Benefits for Trans Employees
Starbucks, a corporation that occupies every other street corner in America, stated on June 25 that they are expanding healthcare benefits for their transgender employees. According to their website, this coverage will include procedures formerly considered “cosmetic.” Their press release…
Queer Candidates Are Flooding the Democratic Field Ahead of November’s Midterm Elections
Nearly two dozen states have already held primary elections to establish each party’s nominees for the midterm elections later this year, and one trend is becoming clear: the Democratic Party is nominating more queer candidates than ever before. With every…
Massachusetts to Introduce New LGBTQ Curriculum to Schools
In Fall 2018, The Boston Herald reports, Massachusetts schools will introduce an optional LGBTQ curriculum to its high schools. The curriculum will include topics in history, English, and health and was developed by teachers and the Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ…
Let Them Eat Cake: Why a “Narrow Ruling” Does Not Encourage Discrimination in the Cakeshop Case
You may have awoken to news of the Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Colorado baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple on religious grounds. And, like many of us revving up for Pride…
OutWrite Responds to Los Angeles Women’s March 2018
Photo by Anastacia Kellogg One year ago, the Women’s March in DC and its sister marches across the nation became a symbol of resistance against the Trump presidency. Photos of the crowded Women’s March in DC and the poorly attended…
The Year Since Trump’s Inauguration
Graphic by Shay Suban As of today, it has been a year since Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. In just a year, most of his beliefs and actions have completely polarized the country,…