A scattered group of pro-Palestine protestors linger in front of Powell Library on a foggy day. One waves a large Palestinian flag.
The Right to be Disruptive

The act of protest is one of risk. The university’s justification for sweeping the encampment on the basis of being disruptive overlooks the fact that the disruption was intentional. On May 2 — the night that police forcibly destroyed the encampment — 210 arrested individuals were given a chance to walk away, but didn’t. They chose to remain because this act of resistance is the greatest power they have as students and civilians to affect this cause.

A digital illustration of various sapphic couples from television. The largest couple on the left hand side is Amity, a white girl with short purple hair, a black tunic, a moon necklace, and pointy ears, and Luz, a Latina girl with brown skin, orange-brown hair, a half-cloak, and black studs, from "The Owl House." Amity cups Luz's face and holds her hand. At the bottom right corner are Beatrice, an Asian woman with dark purple hair in a bun and a cross scar on her cheek, and Ava, a white woman with orange-brown bobbed hair, from "Warrior Nun." Ava is smiling affectionately at Beatrice who is speaking. At the top right corner are Sydney, a white girl with short pink hair in an orange tank top and necklace, and Dina, a Black girl with dark curly hair and a white tank top, from "I Am Not Okay With This." Sydney leans against Dina and looks up at her lovingly. Various swirls and hearts surround all the couples.
From “I Am Not Okay With This” to “Everything Sucks”: A Lack of Lesbians in Media

After the cancellation of the beloved show “Warrior Nun” on Netflix, fans speculated as to why such a popular show could have been kicked to the curb by the streaming powerhouse. Some theorized that it may have been provoked by the second season’s relationship between two women. Though its fanbase’s dedication eventually led to the series’ development into a feature film trilogy, this isn’t the first case where shows with sapphic central characters have been stripped of funding and future seasons.

A scattered group of pro-Palestine protestors linger in front of Powell Library on a foggy day. One waves a large Palestinian flag.
The Right to be Disruptive

The act of protest is one of risk. The university’s justification for sweeping the encampment on the basis of being disruptive overlooks the fact that the disruption was intentional. On May 2 — the night that police forcibly destroyed the encampment — 210 arrested individuals were given a chance to walk away, but didn’t. They chose to remain because this act of resistance is the greatest power they have as students and civilians to affect this cause.

What the Biden Administration Has to Undo

Content warning: homophobia and transphobia. The Trump administration has spent the entirety of the past four years staging a systematic assault on LGBTQ+ rights in the United States of America. On January 20th, 2017, the very day of Donald Trump’s…

With Queer Wins this Election, What does this mean for Queer People?

Last updated on 5/2/22 at 4:36pm PT to update a broken hyperlink. Revolutionary. Trailblazing. Tenacity. Coalition. Change. Hopeful. These are some words that were given to me by queer folks when asked for one word they think grasps how these…

What the Vice Presidential candidates didn’t say…

graphic by Martha Cabot Last night, Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris met at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City to debate for the first and only time until Election Day. This debate was considerably more…

They: Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year

Graphic by Christopher Ikonomou “They” has been named the word of the year by Merriam-Webster! The online dictionary announced that lookups for the gender-neutral pronoun increased by 313% in 2019.  GLAAD’s Director of Transgender Representation, Nick Adams, celebrated the statement.…

Bernie Sanders Rallies with Striking UC Workers in Fight for Living Wages, End to Labor Outsourcing

Vermont Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders joined thousands of striking university and hospital employees at a rally at UCLA on Wednesday, March 20, to call for higher wages and an end to University of California’s increased use of…

Meet Matthew Gifford, the Youngest Openly Gay Candidate Running for Office in America

Photo courtesy of Matthew Gifford for Board of Education “We need to focus on the big picture and tackle the big problems we’re facing – for our schools and for our students – so that we don’t have the same…

Facing Expanding Class Sizes and Dwindling Resources, LA Teachers Go On Strike

Teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) continue to strike this week amidst increasing class sizes and insufficient support for low-income students across the city. Demonstrators cite a lack of school nurses, librarians, and counselors, as well as…