A neon sign reading Circus of Books above a neon sign of a train.
Queer Neon Lights: A Light in the Dark at the Museum of Neon Art

Although the Museum of Neon Art may be a small piece of the Los Angeles area art scene, it can be a light in the dark for many. In a time where so many queer spaces are moving online, MONA is a small queer refuge in the heart of a busy city that works to maintain the legacy of queer spaces that came before it.

A group of protestors on Kuruvungna Steps, many of them wearing medical masks.
Michael Drake’s Mask Ban Endangers More Than Just Protesters

Neither Drake’s statement nor UCLA’s policy mention the marginalized students harmed by the decree against masks, or the harms historically perpetrated by disproportionate police violence against these communities. 

“It Was A Choice For Me…” Uh Oh.

People have had plenty to say about this, ranging from the confused to the horrified to the irate. And I get it. But I think it is actually Nixon who is confused, and may have used some words that didn’t accurately sum up her feelings.

What MLK Means To Me, A White Queer Male

Photo by Wes Candela “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” As I celebrated Martin Luther…

On Human Rights Day

Clinton: “Like being a woman, like being a racial, religious, tribal, or ethnic minority, being LGBT does not make you less human. And that is why gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights.” Photo by Marc…

Keep It to Yourself

Photo by Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons Such was Rick Santorum’s response when Stephen Hill, an openly gay soldier asked him about his stance on DADT. Santorum, former Pennsylvania senator and the golden boy of social conservatives, delivered this gem during one…

“Lessons” from the Lawrence King trial: Reporters Need “Guidance,” Too

In the wake of the mistrial of Brandon McInerney, who was witnessed by his classmates as he shot his classmate Lawrence King in the back of the head for flirting with him, the Los Angeles Times, the paper of record…

Bachmann Campaign Organizer Tied to Uganda “Kill The Gays” Movement

Photo by Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons The Advocate reported this morning that a key Bachmann campaign operative, Peter Waldron, has spent extended periods of time in Uganda, and that he has close connections with Martin Ssempa, the leader of the congregation…

Christine O’Donnell Walks Off Interview Set After Piers Morgan Asks About Gay Rights

Remember Christine O’Donnell? That lady who kind of looks like Sarah Palin who almost was elected to the US Senate in 2010? Christine O’Donnell was in the Tea Party before it was cool. She was the original scary white lady, with sound bites that make Palin look like Sandra Day O’Conner.