A neon sign reading Circus of Books above a neon sign of a train.
Queer Neon Lights: A Light in the Dark at the Museum of Neon Art

Although the Museum of Neon Art may be a small piece of the Los Angeles area art scene, it can be a light in the dark for many. In a time where so many queer spaces are moving online, MONA is a small queer refuge in the heart of a busy city that works to maintain the legacy of queer spaces that came before it.

A graphic drawn in a colorful, sketchy style of the words "Poetry is not a luxury" shooting rainbow beams past three greyscale people.
“Poetry Is Not a Luxury”: Building New Queer Worlds One Word at a Time

Audre Lorde asks us to view life as something to be experienced, not a problem to solve — to view our feelings as cherished sources of power and knowledge instead of treasures to bury deep inside. Our poetry and dreams unlock those wells of power that can lead to true lasting action.

“Don’t Say Gay”: The Would-Be Impact of Florida’s HB 1577

Two days ago, on Thursday, February 24th, the Florida House of Representatives passed a bill by a 69-47 vote aiming to limit discussions of sexuality and gender identity in classrooms. The official name of the bill is HB 1577, the…

Striking For Our Safety: The Community Calls For Hybrid Options

Photo provided by the Disabled Student Union (DSU), Undergraduate Students Association Council (USAC), and Mother Organizations Coalition (MO) In the Fall quarter of 2021, I covered a student protest led by the Disabled Student Union (DSU). The demands for transparency…

On 2021’s Hate Crimes and A Tribute To The Lives Lost: An Analysis of To Live and Get Bashed In America! (October 1988)

Graphic compiled by Christopher Ikonomou (Xe/He) *This article is a modern analysis of the themes and content of “To Live And Get Bashed In America” (October 1988), the second installment of our From the Archive series.* The graphic instances of…

“We Get To Celebrate A Victory”: UC-AFT’s Successful Negotiation with the UC Admin

Image courtesy of UC AFT Instagram: @uc_aft In the early hours of Nov. 17, negotiators for UC-AFT, the union that represents our lecturers, came to a successful agreement with the University of California admin. The strike that was planned for…

What Does the Recent Supreme Court Gutting of Roe v. Wade With Texas’s Abortion Law Mean for Queer Rights?

Image from C-SPAN footage The United States Supreme Court has long been the focal point of political battles and tensions. The failed appointment of Robert Bork under former President Ronald Reagan served as the spark for a common practice known…

The Contra-versial Nuances of Queerness

CW: Queerphobia, transphobia, acephobia, biphobia “Gen Z queer people are hard to figure out,” reads a now deleted tweet by Natalie Wynn, known by her online moniker, ContraPoints. “They’re like, ‘I’m an asexual slut who loves sex! You don’t have…

Bashing Back: Why Self-Defense Matters

Illustrated by Christopher Ikonomou (Xe/He) The subject of guns rarely comes up in queer spaces, and it’s no mystery why: right wingers dominate the discourse on self-defense, gun ownership, and Second Amendment rights, and their record on queer positivity has…