Still by Warner Bros. Animation
“Scooby Doo” has been a long-running, popular children’s franchise since 1969. For around 50 years, Velma Dinkley has been the show’s token genius analyst. Her sexuality was questionable, often being paired with the show’s goofball, Shaggy, another character whose sexuality is often theorized upon; in the newest special, “Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo!” Velma is finally, outwardly, showing the signs of a young sapphic in love.
The clip that initially circulated the internet was very short. It’s less than 20 seconds long and shows Velma crushing on Coco Diablo, a character introduced in the special. With Coco’s silver hair, maroon shirt, glasses, and perfect fashion sense, it’s not hard to see why our intelligent detective is pining after her!
Prior to “Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo!” Velma’s sexuality was often a point of contention during the franchise’s run. Showrunners behind Cartoon Network’s “Mystery Incorporated” have stated that they wanted to originally make Velma a lesbian in their show, but the network had stopped them. Similarly, James Gunn, the director of the first two live-action “Scooby-Doo” movies, also stated that he wanted to make Velma gay. However, in many of the specials over the years, she was always paired with her opposite, Shaggy, or other men, even at one point paired with Johnny Bravo! A new Velma-centered show headed by Mindy Kaling is pairing Velma with Freddy, causing further controversy around Velma’s ambiguous sexuality.
I’ve been of the opinion that anyone can do what they want with “Scooby-Doo” characters. I grew up with the franchise, watching different specials and series, some of which have taken some really creative approaches with the character (“Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo!” and Mindy Kaling’s “Velma” series being no exception). It’s exciting to see Velma as a lesbian in “Trick or Treat Scooby Doo!” and exciting to see Velma as a Southeast Asian girl in “Velma.” “Scooby-Doo” as a franchise has been changed and remixed throughout the years, and I’m excited to see where other creators take Velma next.
Author: Judah C (They/Them)
Copy Editors: Emma Blakely (They/She/He), Bella (She/They)