
UCLA Spotlight: Women’s Bodies, Women’s Votes, With Gloria Steinem

Photo by Gage Skidmore/Flickr On October 7, 2012, Gloria Steinem came to UCLA to offer a lecture called “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Votes,” and, amidst the crowded hall in Broad (one which she would comment later as disliking—as she does many…

Spotlight on UCLA: The Williams Institute

Despite its compelling message, I feel that our queer generation has forgotten this message and instead succumbed to believing the stereotype that gay people are only in WeHo, San Francisco, and similar explicitly gay-friendly urban areas. The Williams Institute’s Census Snapshots of the United States and of each individual state reveal that there is much truth behind “we are everywhere” and that same-sex couples truly do reside in nearly every pocket of the country.

Queer Alliance’s Anti-Fashion Show

On Tuesday April 24, Queer Alliance put on its 3rd annual Anti-Fashion Show, previously known as the Drag Fashion Show. It was held in Covel Commons, and it incorporated personal videos, spoken word, and fashion to create a memorable event…

Ally Week Update

The second annual Ally Week began this year with a presentation on athlete allyship by Hudson Taylor, a wrestling coach at Columbia University.  Though raised in a staunchly religious household, Taylor’s experiences in college shifted his perspectives on the LGBT…

Seeing With A New Spectrum: A Conversation About UCLA’s Vital LGBTQ Space

Co-written by Dylan Chouinard and Kim Lau “There are three kinds of gays. Party gays like to have fun and get drunk. Political gays are activist-y and fight for rights and stuff. Normal gays fall in the middle.” If that…

Editor’s Note: The Daily Bruin

First of all, I’d like to say that I am very, very proud of this issue, and of our staff here at OutWrite. I think this is our best issue yet, and I want to thank all of you for…

11/08: Queer Town Hall

It’s a Tuesday night on campus and a small classroom in Haines is bustling with people. There’re no professors about, and no food, but Queer alliance is hosting a public town hall event to discuss issues specifically facing the queer community on campus.