Feminism, The Swimsuit Edition: Forging a New Miss America?

Of the institutions and events in the United States that might be admired for leading the charge toward equality, beauty pageants are not likely to be considered among them. In a culture that is overwhelmingly, unbearably concerned with the manufactured…


The night was full of color, music, energy, and most of all, pride. My first time going to L.A. Pride was quite a memorable experience. I didn’t know what to expect, but one thing I knew for sure was that…

Queer Film Review: Ma vie en Rose (My life in Pink)

Image via Haut et Court The movie is about a young boy named Ludovic. Ludovic cross-dresses and generally acts like a girl; he talks of marrying the neighbor’s son and cannot understand why everyone is so surprised about it. At…

Queer Spring Playlist

Perhaps my favorite depiction of the cracking forth of yolky spring from hard-shelled winter are Chaucer’s opening lines to The Canterbury Tales (bear with me through the Middle English, the ethical English major side of me disallows me from quoting…

Sugar Grandpa

His name was Barry, but since Donald had told me his name was Brett, I wasn’t sure it was him. In a gruff voice, he murmured, “Nice to meet you” as I shook his firm, calloused hand. So this was…

Social Networking and Sexuality

Tumblr What has become particularly interesting to me of late is the encounter between sexuality and the internet—in particular, Tumblr. Anonymity has always come as a double-edged sword, but for those of us who located ourselves within the queer community,…

What Are You Thankful For?

Although overdosing on turkey (or tofurkey!) was so last season, being thankful is perennial. For this blog post, I polled members of the queer community on the rights, privileges, and aspects of daily life they are most grateful to have…

My Struggle for Identification

Photo by ToastyKen/Creative Commons I’ve identified as queer for about five years. After a process of reckoning much the same as many other coming out stories of the kind—though in my own fortunate case, my own terror was a far…

Read our Fall issue here!

Read our fall 2012 issue here! Learn more about the BDSM community, femme invisibility, queer sex on TV, queer Christians, and more!