Rihanna and Chris Brown Together Again: Really?!?

After a few weeks of rumors and controversy, the collaborations between Rihanna and her abusive ex-boyfriend Chris Brown has finally been released. Whether you find this shameful or not, it’s time to “Talk that Talk” with Ri Ri.

Book Review: Keeping You A Secret by Julie Ann Peters

The first time I ever saw Julie Ann Peters’ Keeping You a Secret was at the foot of my mom’s bed, face up and daunting. The image on the cover might have inspired less wariness if my mother hadn’t already informed me of the contents of the book, because I knew the image was not simply indicative of two female characters. It was indicative of two female characters in love.

The “Truancy Ticket Law” and Why It Matters to Queer Youth

If you went to high school in Los Angeles you have heard of LAMC 45.04 a.k.a the “truancy ticket law”. Under this municipal code, any high school student not in class after the first bell is subject to ticketing with fines of at least to $250. Basically, running late is a crime for students. More often than not the kids getting ticketed are on their way to class. Also the vast majority of tickets are given to black and brown youth, in disenfranchised, inner city public schools.

Prop 8 Ruling: Now What?

It’s kind of a strange day for the queer community. Yes, a California federal appeals court ruled Proposition 8 unconstitutional this morning. But we all know this isn”t the end of the story. As we speak, the law”s backers, ProtectMarriage, are likely filing yet another appeal – this time, the case will be heard by the US Supreme Court, assuming the high court decides to take up the case.

Cathy Opie: Geography Becomes Identity

Monday, Jan. 23: UCLA Architecture and Urban Design presented Cathy Opie to speak. See a slideshow of some of Opie’s work here. Cathy Opie’s lecture came to me as a surprise. As an admirer of Opie’s portraiture, in particular her…

Desperation is an Ugly Color.

Desperation is an ugly color on my bruised, aching skin. It’s a panel of screaming horrors driving away my fading illusion of comfort. “Take me! hold me! save me!” Me, me me, ignore all the others. Be my escape.

Gay Men Need Diapers: WTF?

A bible-thumping pastor from the South said something homophobic this week.  Big surprise.  But go ahead, watch the whole video and and feel gag at the outrgeousness (or, if you”re a cynic like me, chuckle a bit). Patrick Wood spewed a…

“It Was A Choice For Me…” Uh Oh.

People have had plenty to say about this, ranging from the confused to the horrified to the irate. And I get it. But I think it is actually Nixon who is confused, and may have used some words that didn’t accurately sum up her feelings.

One Moment, One Life: Alive

I’ve always said that New York winters were bone-chilling, but I never really knew what it meant to be left ravaged by the cold, with no place to seek asylum. I never knew what it meant to cower behind bushes in hopes of escaping even a fraction of the merciless winds.

Psych 137: A Lesson in Ignorance and Stereotypes

Walking into the most recent meeting, I was greeted by a surprising title slide projected in royal blue letters above my head: “Male or Female? Gay or Straight?” and the subtitle, “All of us are described by these two ‘binary’ factors.” When first reading this slide, I assumed there was some kind of mistake.