Photo by Fred Murphy/Creative Commons Though election season this year, as ever, focused largely on the question of the presidency, it was in the matter of Congress that America bore witness to several surprising and heartening changes. Among these are…
Straight Girls Kissing and Heteroflexibility
Photo by Dominic Alves/Creative Commons I am coming out of the closet: I have made out with straight girls (before and after coming out as a lesbian) at parties on several occasions. I am not ashamed to identify with this…
City Spotlight: LA Transgender Film Fest
Photo by Ted Eytan/Creative Commons This past weekend, I had the pleasure of visiting the LA Gay & Lesbian Center for the first time to volunteer and see a series of short films that were part of the fourth annual…
UCLA Spotlight: NCOW Military Panel
Photo by Tim Evanson/Flickr Before the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Lieutenant Smith’s work office was completely devoid of any personal belongings. There were no gifts, pictures, or mementos that would indicate that he had a personal life outside…
Submitting Your Love
It was a typical Wednesday night. I attended the Outwrite staff meeting, discussed my article, and then the staff dispersed to walk back to their apartment, grab food at Bcaf, study at the library, or pump some iron at the…
Gender Catharsis
“Call me ‘he,’ call me ‘she,’ just call me ‘me!’” -RuPaul “Oh my god, I can’t believe we actually had guys in our dorm! I feel like I’m going to be so social this year,” one of my girlfriends exclaims…
UCLA Spotlight: Women’s Bodies, Women’s Votes, With Gloria Steinem
Photo by Gage Skidmore/Flickr On October 7, 2012, Gloria Steinem came to UCLA to offer a lecture called “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Votes,” and, amidst the crowded hall in Broad (one which she would comment later as disliking—as she does many…
No Room For Three
You and meNo room for threeDon’t you love me? We’ve come so farI thought I was up to parGet out of the car I feared this callI thought we had it allMy head against the wall You want to exploreYou’re…
Book Review: 50 Shades of Grey by E.L. James
Credit to Vintage Books Let me start off by being quite blunt–I loved the 50 shades books. I thought it was refreshing to read a book that was open and honest about sex, intriguing that marriage and committment were depicted…
“Her name is Steve. I think I once loved her.” Is how I want to introduce her. But I don’t, I hold my tongue, twitching like a snake’s and my stupid heart slithers back into place. Down boy. “This is…