wsteaway (Tea Wise, they/them) is a 21-year-old nonbinary singer, songwriter and producer.
Remembering Leslie Jordan
Only two weeks ago on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022, actor, comedian, writer, singer, and dazzling social media presence Leslie Jordan died in a car accident.
Asexual Awareness Week 2022: Our Experiences
Ace Week 2022 is ending today. We asked some of our staff about their experiences with having identities on the asexual spectrum.
Coming Out(Write): Our Stories – National Coming Out Day 2022
Welcome back to Coming Out(Write): Our Stories, a social media series started in 2021. This series occurs annually during the week following National Coming Out Day (October 11th), exploring our staff’s experiences with and opinions on coming out.
Inherently and Creatively Political with Christopher Ikonomou: Disability Pride (Month) Spotlight
For a special edition of the Disability Month Spotlight series, I was fortunate enough to interview our very own Editor-in-Chief, Christopher Ikonomou (xe/he).
National Center for Transgender Equality Announces Launch Date for 2022 U.S. Trans Survey
The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) recently announced that the 2022 U.S. Trans Survey (also known as the USTS) is set to launch on October 19th.