Creative Writing

Over the Rainbow

graphics by Carmen Ngo In the civilized countries there are no witches left, nor wizards, nor sorceresses, nor magicians. In the civilized countries there are no towns delicate as china, nor cities made of jewels. In the civilized countries there…

La Leyenda Real de La Llorona

Graphic by Shay Suban It is said that La Llorona weeps for her children, whom she drowned as revenge against her husband. She walks an ethereal plane, searching for their lost souls so that they may enter the afterlife. That…

Moon to Sun

You, and your effortless pull, The way all things come to you— Inexplicably, inevitably— And how eyes can only briefly glance your way As if taking in too much of you is a sin.   Us, and the way I’m…


Graphic by Shay Suban Love was in the air, so Alicia packed up her laptop and some notebooks and evacuated the premises. She liked her roommate, and didn’t mind her roommate’s boyfriend visiting, but the two of them were inching…

The Wooing

Graphic by Jeanine Lee  This is a story about them. This story about them is a tribute to a story about “Them,” spoken on the community radio of a town whose location is unknown; yet the town has people who…


I am unseen, unspoken, unknown.   I sing with the tongue of a liar, for even I will not give voice to that precious truth which lives behind the softness of this face, behind the contours of this deceptive body.…


I know you don’t really like math but I like you and I don’t understand that in any other language   fibonacci’s number creates the golden spiral it is found in sunflowers, succulents, shells   but most notably in the…


Graphic by Nick Griffin   one misconceives the desert as a barren, lonely wasteland when in reality it is an ecosystem teeming with life adapted to exist in the harshest conditions   in between strict dichotomies i exist; not a…


Graphic by Jeanine Lee They will never understand why I tried so hard to keep your poinsettia plant alive Why I spent hours scouring the internet for cures for root rot And so it would not grow crookedly or become…

The Silence in a Snare

Graphic by Kit P   I want to act like I’m not affected but I am   I am affected not by the horrendous shouts of hell but of the wonderful future within arm’s reach Of the rainbow skies I…