Creative Writing

Dance With Me Darling

Graphic by Anastacia Kellogg Dance with me darling, I don’t care who’s looking. I am a man, I am a woman, I am fluidity and impulse and I impulsively decided to love you, You were hesitance and softly-treaded words, But…


Graphic by Nieves Winslow   local gossip: crazy girl shaves her head and dresses like boy and looks like boy and wants to be called boy but will never be boy; dumb girl wants to crawl out of her south asian…

Cobwebs and Silks: A Queer Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a woman who wished she could do something wonderful, like spin straw into gold. She visited the neighborhood witch, and offered her firstborn child in exchange for the talent. Grimfeasance agreed. (She was an…

The Closet

  “I’m uncomfortable around you” you say but I don’t live to make you comfortable, I don’t live to be your gay best friend, I don’t live to be the animated embodiment of all trans people of color, I don’t…

The Knight and the Yellow Rose

“Have you ever heard of a red rose?” The lady frowned and said, “I have, but they are extraordinarily rare – some think they do not exist.” “But they do? They aren’t a myth?” the knight said, full of hope.…

Content Warning: Sexual Assault, Incest

Graphic by Sarah Jensen  Because I was Raped By My Father   I’ve seen old age found its first suggestion in my face like so many women who were women too soon,   women who were beautiful at the wrong…

Perfume (Part I)

Graphic by Shay Suban   This is the way the story ends: Two girls, curled up together on a bed under black covers, eyes closed against the dim light reflecting off painted black walls. Smudges of pink lipstick kisses glow…

What You Don’t Know

Graphic by Shay Suban You’re not the girl of my dreams. You’re the girl of my just-before-falling-asleep, the girl of my trying thoughts on for size, the girl of my fingers resting carefully at the top of my leg and…

Late Night Thoughts

Illustration by Sarah Jensen It’s a silent, exhausted kind of happy. The drunken current in your head making everything too dim to hear The clarity when you look up at her, the simplicity of “here she is, I love her.”…


graphic by Liana Kindler Here we go, counting the lines between the words and how the syllables fit together. Maybe if I can figure out this puzzle I’ll know what to do about you. There had to be some reason…