Janet Mock’s Outrage for her Trans* Identity

On February 5, Janet Mock, a 29-year-old trans activist of color and author of Redefining Realness was interviewed on Piers Morgan Live. Throughout the interview, he continually referred to her past identity “as a man,” claiming that she “was a…

The Safety of Restrooms

Image by sylvar/Creative Commons Restrooms are essential in our lives. Cisgender individuals, those who identify with their gender at birth, never have to worry about deciding which bathroom to use. But when it comes to transgender, genderqueer, or non-binary individuals,…

What I Did For Love

Still via Les Films du Losange “Do you have to fuck someone in order to be able to sleep next to them?” This question is directed towards the protagonist Franck, but is more likely meant for the gay audience watching.…

Too Gay for Town?

Photo by Pierce Place/Creative Commons Of all the places in the country one might expect virulent outcries against the idea of a new gay bar, a small town in Mississippi is not the most surprising. If Los Angeles citizens signed…

Gender Health: Coming Out

“You must come out,” cried Harvey Milk in 1978, in a time when living one’s entire life closeted remained a common practice. But Harvey Milk urged his queer audience to come out to everyone they knew, everyone involved in their…

Queer Film Review: La Vie d’Adèle (Blue is the Warmest Colour)

Image via Wild Bunch Blue Is the Warmest Colour, or  La Vie d’Adèle—Chapitres 1 & 2, is a 2013 French romantic drama film written, produced, and directed by Abdellatif Kechiche. The film won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film…

L.A. Public Schools to Teach Queer History

As soon as next year, history classes in Los Angeles public high schools will begin teaching LGBTQ history. In celebration of the 25th annual National Coming Out Day this past October, Los Angeles United School District, or L.A.U.S.D., announced several…

A Fight for Diversity: Days of Defiance II

Earlier this week students rallied for diversity and against harmful Propositions to this cause. On October 15th and 16th, 2013, students from across campus gathered on the hill in their own “Days of Defiance II.” On the 15th, students rallied…

Hill Opens LGBTQ-themed Floor

Image via UCLA ResLife When first-year Melissa Pagela learned she would be living in De Neve Acacia’s new Gender, Sexuality and Society themed floor this year, she wasn’t sure what to expect. “I asked a friend about their floor’s theme…

Orphan Black’s Hot Lesbian

Still via BBC America If you fell in love with Netflix’s lesbianic original series, Orange is the New Black only to find that the season was over before you could bat an eyelash, then Orphan Black is the new show…