Acting White: What’s Feminism and Queer Theory Got to Do with It?

As someone who often has questions about what it means to be a queer feminist of color surrounded by whiteness, I immediately saw this lecture to be of particular importance. While the very act of having this conversation is more…

Gender Expression in the EDM Community

The lights are pulsating, the bass is turned way up, and everyone around me is wearing arms full of beads and not much else. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’ve obviously never been to a rave.

Movie Review: Lorax

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

Chubby Chaser Prom: A Reminiscence

I sit on my bed with my laptop, my back against the wall so nobody can see what I’m doing. The website I’m signing up for is called Adam4Adam. The margins are mosaics of gay porn links. Bareback Twinks. Broke…

Ga(y)mers: A Queer Look at the State of the Gaming Industry

I like my videogames, but I would like them a lot more if they would stop being so blatantly homophobic and heteronormative.

Queer Pets: A Love Story

They are ‘making it work’ in a 2×4 foot enclosure in a drafty corner of a college apartment, with only shards of alfalfa and some stale pellets to eat, and a very full litter box, but love conquers all….

Silence = Death: Lessons in AIDS Activism

Credit to ACT UP Over on Bruinwalk on a cold February day, at least three fundraisers are taking place. Most are for Dance Marathon, an event that enlists thousands of students to raise money to fight pediatric AIDS. They’re wearing…

Seeing With A New Spectrum: A Conversation About UCLA’s Vital LGBTQ Space

Co-written by Dylan Chouinard and Kim Lau “There are three kinds of gays. Party gays like to have fun and get drunk. Political gays are activist-y and fight for rights and stuff. Normal gays fall in the middle.” If that…

A Minute of Your Time: Notes from the Canvassing Trail

The door standing in front of me is worn with age. It may have once been a pleasant shade of blue, but its extended life has stripped it of color. This weary door is my most daunting enemy. All I…

Gay and Pro-Life?

Huxley forecasted the ethical issues of human genetics, almost prophetically, in his 1931 novel Brave New World. In his future world, humans were selected before birth based on certain traits that were more socially ‘desirable’ in the dumbed-down dystopia he…