Walking into the most recent meeting, I was greeted by a surprising title slide projected in royal blue letters above my head: “Male or Female? Gay or Straight?” and the subtitle, “All of us are described by these two ‘binary’ factors.” When first reading this slide, I assumed there was some kind of mistake.
What MLK Means To Me, A White Queer Male
Photo by Wes Candela “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” As I celebrated Martin Luther…
“The Shit Girls Say To Gay Guys”: A Response
Glad to say “shit girls say to gay guys” does not apply to me.
Happily Ever After
It’s obvious, right away—though he wears a suit in the middle of a party of suits-wearing men, he cannot quite hide the length of the sleeves, which come up just a bit too far past his wrist, or that little stain almost tucked away on the inside of his collar. His posture is rigid, but unpracticed, and time and time again he has to force himself upright. It isn’t much, really—just a miniscule straightening of his shoulders, an upward jerk of his chin every few minutes. It might’ve been less noticeable if everyone else in the room hadn’t been doing that since midway through their terrible twos.
i can recall
the feeling of the carpet
under my boots
rooted to the ground
when you approached me
your eyes burning
and your gaze piercing
The Fool’s Hiatus Part 2: Jabberwocky Sword
While meditating on the best, most elegant way to segue into the second part of the most intense love story I’ve experienced in years, I realized I must first consider my target audience. Naturally, I decided to start with gratuitous…
The Fool’s Hiatus Part 1: Ginger Magic
A lot of you – well, at least my loyal readers (all five of you) might be wondering why I haven”t posted in the last few months. I will come clean and fess up. Firstly, I broke up with Terrence,…
On Human Rights Day
Clinton: “Like being a woman, like being a racial, religious, tribal, or ethnic minority, being LGBT does not make you less human. And that is why gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights.” Photo by Marc…
Movie Review: Breaking Dawn Part 1
Last weekend, Twihards gathered in theaters across the country to watch Edward and Bella get married and consummate their romance, and I am slightly ashamed to say that I did the same. I have no desire to read the books, but I guess my quest for being culturally relevant gets the best of me, and for the past three movies, I have found myself in the theater, watching the teenage romance unveil, and desperately hoping no one I know will see me as I park myself in the last row of the theater.
Editor’s Note: The Daily Bruin
First of all, I’d like to say that I am very, very proud of this issue, and of our staff here at OutWrite. I think this is our best issue yet, and I want to thank all of you for…