Creative Writing


graphic by Liana Kindler Here we go, counting the lines between the words and how the syllables fit together. Maybe if I can figure out this puzzle I’ll know what to do about you. There had to be some reason…


Original Sonnet and Illustration by Sarah Jensen     One night while I was sound asleep in bed Your grace and kindness slipped into my dream, And though these thoughts of you so pain my head, I know my love…


Original poem and illustration by Sarah Jensen  Tomorrow and tomorrow and Tomorrow I tell her I love her. Well, she already knew that. She’s said it before to me. Tomorrow we find out how much our meanings of the phrase…

Dear Closeted Person: Poem and OutWrite Illustration

Dear Closeted Queer Person, You are not broken, You are not ill You are not confused, You do not need fixing You are not an abomination You are not defined by another’s terms You are not going “through a phase”…

Silence: A Poetic Reflection on Day of Silence

Illustration by Austin Wang Silence. A term of complete absence An all encompassing void Silence A form of resentment Internalized in fear Silence A state of disapproval Met with deaf ears Silence A form of oppression Born from outside and within…

A Love Letter to My Gay Best Friend

Growing up, I never had many friends. Growing up with little to no friends meant that I never had a space to feel comfortable with myself; the only place that I could really explore my own identity was in the…

The Reality of My Home

When I came out to my brother, he couldn’t understand why I seemed so scared to tell him. To him, it was clear-cut: if I was gay, then that was that, and how could I be any less than perfectly…

In Defense of Valentine’s Day

Image by Dave Gunn/Creative Commons I love Valentine’s Day. There. I said it, and I’m not even slightly ashamed. I’m not ashamed of my torrid love affair with chocolate, or the fact that while I prefer daisies, I find a…

I Am the Gay Cousin: Thanksgiving Edition

Photo by Kennedy Levi/OutWrite There’s one in every family… and it might be you. A glimpse into the art of surviving being queer at your friendly family Thanksgiving. Thursday is a holiday and that means I have to see my…

Download the Safe Sex Mobile App Now!!!!

Image via Safe Sex 101 Who doesn’t love sex?  But, what’s better than sex?  Safe Sex!  We at OutWrite support and encourage safe sex, and you should too! Here is some great information about a cool new iPhone app on…