Charlie Richmond/OutWrite Content warning: Discussion of lesbophobia. “someone will remember us I say even in another time” • Sappho, fragment 147, trans. Ann Carson Since the 1970s, the use of the term Sapphic in reference to lesbians has grown in…
Love in the Big City: Heterobaiting and Queering Relationships in Korean Media
Korean queer media and literature do not need to conform to Western definitions of queerness to be meaningful. As I write for an Anglophone queer audience, I am reminded that this dialogue is not about proving the queerness of Korean media, but about expanding the scope of queer representation to include its many forms and contexts. Perhaps, rather than queering Korean media for the West, we should allow its stories to challenge and reshape what we consider queer altogether.
Misgendering the Misgendered
I first witnessed a transgender character misgendered by her own author in “The Man Who Thought Himself a Woman,” a short story published anonymously in 1857. The text was assigned for a queer short stories course at UCLA, and while I wasn’t surprised that a transgender character was misgendered by a writer in 1857, I was surprised that a professor of queer studies in 2023 would as well.
A New Face for OC: Meet Dom Jones
Amid this 2024 election season, which has all of us holding our breaths, one candidate is working to change the narrative for Orange County, California. Dom Jones (she/they) is a queer Black woman who has been fighting for the rights of queer existence in the Huntington Beach area, and is now trying to expand her fight to becoming the representative for California State Assembly District 72.
Can Queerbaiting Exist In A World Where Sexuality Is Fluid?
Since a heterosexual-presenting couple got a sex scene on screen while Caitlyn and Vi didn’t even kiss by the end of the first season, many people felt as if their relationship was a part of a phenomenon known as queerbaiting.
My Own Modern Prometheus
Late one Friday night, long after my mother had tucked me into bed, my eldest brother Ricky came home. Hoping he would not wake me, he quietly crept into the living room and turned on the TV. With the volume low, he perused the channels, finally settling upon a black-and-white movie. Unbeknownst to him, I peeked out from beneath the covers and was introduced to the 1931 horror classic “Frankenstein.”
Queer Prom: Fantasy Is a Radical Reality
UCLA’s Gender, Sexuality, and Society Living-Learning Community (GSS LLC) held its annual Queer Prom on March 1, 2024. The event was decorated around a “fantasy” theme — colored-paper windows resembled the stained glass of a chapel, long vines entangled every chair, and a projection of a firefly-lit forest flashed the words “Queer Prom 2024” in bold letters.
Schuyler Bailar’s Intersectional Impact as an East Asian Transgender Man
Schuyler Bailar is perhaps best known as the first transgender man to compete in the male category of any Division 1 NCAA sport. Since graduating from Harvard in 2019 with a double major in psychology and cognitive neuroscience, he has become a prominent activist for transgender rights and body positivity through his Instagram handle @pinkmantaray. He has also published multiple books on the transgender experience, including his recent book “He/She/They,” which includes the “essential language and context” of gender identity and recollections from Schuyler’s transition journey.
From “I Am Not Okay With This” to “Everything Sucks”: A Lack of Lesbians in Media
After the cancellation of the beloved show “Warrior Nun” on Netflix, fans speculated as to why such a popular show could have been kicked to the curb by the streaming powerhouse. Some theorized that it may have been provoked by the second season’s relationship between two women. Though its fanbase’s dedication eventually led to the series’ development into a feature film trilogy, this isn’t the first case where shows with sapphic central characters have been stripped of funding and future seasons.
The Underrepresentation of Sapphic Identities in Literature: A Historical Analysis
My first June after discovering sapphic literature was one of eager anticipation. I had loved sapphic novels from the moment I picked up “The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics” the year prior, and waited all year for Pride Month so that I could get new recommendations. Sure enough, they started rolling in! Scrolling through TikTok, I saw video after video advertising “queer book recs.” But what I saw was disappointing at best. In these videos, the word “queer” seemed to be synonymous with male-loving-male (MLM); every single video was full of nothing but MLM novel recommendations.