Quarantining in the Closet

Graphic by Nick Griffin (He/Him) The day UCLA sent us home, I felt the identity I spent months cultivating, months accepting, recoiled into hiding. The validation I received from queer circles at UCLA, those that accepted who I am and…

Bi Representation in Disney’s “The Owl House”

Image courtesy of Disney In January 2020, Disney Channel debuted “The Owl House,” an animated series created by Dana Terrace.  The pilot episode introduces fourteen-year-old Luz Noceda (voiced by Sarah-Nicole Robles), resident weird kid, who discovers a magical portal to…

Being Queer in a Small Town during COVID-19

Photos by Jaden King When UCLA announced that online instruction would begin Week 10 of winter quarter and last until April 10, ultimately to be extended throughout the remainder of the academic year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I contemplated…

For the Honor of GAYskull: The Origins and History of She-Ra

Graphic by Kit The popular streaming platform Netflix has been releasing large amounts of original media in the past couple years. Some of these productions are entirely new, such as the animated series The Dragon Prince or the movie Bright,…

Golden Boy: Far From Golden

CONTENT WARNING: Drug Abuse, Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation Golden Boy attempts to tell a story about a troubled man meandering his way through the social and economic troubles of Los Angeles. The movie recently won awards for Best Director in…

Good Trouble: Positively Queer & Powerful

Graphic by Christopher Ikonomou   Following the series finale of The Fosters in June 2018, fans of the show were sad to see the Adams-Foster family leave Tuesday nights on Freeform, the television network previously named ABC Family. The Fosters…

13 Things That Are Ace Culture

graphic by Angela Zheng. Contributing authors: Jasper & Angela Zheng Several months ago, I was shocked to hear someone say there’s no distinctive culture in the ace community. While I agree that it’s impossible for everybody along the ace-spectrum to…

Ship Happens: The Inevitable Outcome of Underrepresentation

Ship, n. Short for romantic relationship. v. To endorse a romantic relationship. Shipping, n. The act of endorsing a romantic relationship, usually fictional, usually in a fan-created work. 2016 was a poor year, like most years, for queer representation in…