“Homebody” is a new film written and directed by Joseph Sackett that follows a young boy, Johnny, when he body swaps with his babysitter, Melanie. Coming in at only an hour and 15 minutes, “Homebody” packs in a storyline ripe with self-discovery.
Remembering Leslie Jordan
Only two weeks ago on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022, actor, comedian, writer, singer, and dazzling social media presence Leslie Jordan died in a car accident.
Velma Dinkley Just Came Out Of The Closet!
Still by Warner Bros. Animation “Scooby Doo” has been a long-running, popular children’s franchise since 1969. For around 50 years, Velma Dinkley has been the show’s token genius analyst. Her sexuality was questionable, often being paired with the show’s goofball,…
Getting to Queer Joy in Media
Throughout the past century, media that portrays and represents queerness and queer relationships have changed for the better. When looking at earlier 20th-century queer works, the tone is rather drab, with an understanding that queerness isn’t allowed to be something that is happy or something that leads to happy ends.
“Filthy Animals”: An Exploration of Queer Sexuality and Masculinity
I recently read “Filthy Animals” by Brandon Taylor, which was released last year in 2021. I’d been looking to read more explicitly queer novels, ones that explored themes outside traditional YA themes. “Filthy Animals” is an exploration of queer sexuality and masculinity, a book that seems to understand the contradictions between all levels of queer identity. It is a book that aims to explore generational trauma, the past haunting its characters like an ambivalent ghost where the characters crave an intimacy they haven’t before.
Henry and The Fox
Illustrated by Cole Lopez (They/Them) This comic was originally published in our Winter 2022 Volume 2 print issue “Wanting: A Queer Beauty & Burden.“
Jenny and I met in the early days of middle school, when everyone was all acne and gangly legs, and got on like a gasoline-soaked house gets on with a match. Frankly, it was a nightmare for our parents. My mom, who I know had been quietly worrying about my ability to make friends, was suddenly unable to enter a shared space in our house without me bombarding her with requests to go to Jenny’s house, stories of something funny that Jenny had said at school today, of Jenny’s new puppy that she got last week.