The 10 Best Queer Horror Books Ever

Sink your teeth into characters who finally get your blood pumping… and the back of your neck tingling. Sure, we all know queer classics like Carmilla, or transphobic thrillers like Silence of the Lambs. But what about horror that doesn’t…

10 Horror Classics (You Didn’t Realize Were About Being Gay)

Welcome to the dark closet of Halloween horror. Whether it’s necessary subtext by a closeted director, a dire warning to young viewers by a Hollywood Code, or a subtle stab by writers at hetero-cis arrogance, the horror genre has long…

Why You Should be Watching Amazon’s Transparent

Still via Amazon Prime Amazon’s new TV series shows that transgender storylines don’t have to revolve around prostitution or CSI body bags. If you’re looking for positive queer representation on television, it’s time to turn off the cable and go…