Trans Characters in Fiction

In my experience as a reader on the lookout for transgender characters in works of fiction, the quintessential novel features a gloomy high school protagonist, who leads a pained existence and is often verbally and/or sexually assaulted by the end…


I am unseen, unspoken, unknown.   I sing with the tongue of a liar, for even I will not give voice to that precious truth which lives behind the softness of this face, behind the contours of this deceptive body.…

Trans and Trapped: Behind the Wrong Bars

Graphic by Hannah Boston       Life inside of a men’s prison is not easy for anyone, but it is especially difficult for trans women. The U.S. prison system houses transgender individuals on the basis of their genitals instead of their gender…

ABCs: E is for ENDA

Illustration by Gabriel Brenner ENDA stands for the Employee Non-Discrimination Act , federal legislation that would prevent employers from firing, harassing or discriminating against LGBTQ employees based on gender identity or sexual orientation. Since 1974, (the first being The Equality…

ABCs: C is for Cisgender

Like me, you’ve probably never heard of this term and therefore don’t know the privilege tied to being cisgender.  Good thing you’re reading this though; education on the existence of all parts of the queer spectrum is not only something…

TranSpoken Word: The Quiet Struggle Expressed

Photo by Yhz1221/Wikimedia Commons The hum of voices in the crowded and softly lit Hedrick Fireside Lounge slowly faded out when the first performer tapped on the mic. Sitting in the back, I could see the audience seated in a…