University of Chicago Condemns “Trigger Warnings,” and Safe Spaces; Misunderstands What It’s Condemning

The prestigious University of Chicago issued a letter to its incoming freshmen stating that they will no longer condone the use of “intellectual safe spaces” or “‘trigger warnings.’” This letter, penned by Dean John “Jay” Ellison, is UChicago’s effort to fully…

Keep On Fighting: Creating Change 2015 Conference

Image by Rommy Torrico “What does your liberated world look like?” asked the man who stood before the microphone. “IT LOOKED FUCKING QUEER,” someone yelled back even more vivaciously. A roar of *snaps* ensued. From February 4th to February 8th…

Why You Should Download the LGBT Healthcare Bill of Rights

For a majority of queer youth, coming out to a doctor is extremely nerve-wracking– especially since it is someone who will decide what medical care you should receive. The chance of receiving subpar medical treatment deters some queer individuals from…

Seeing With A New Spectrum: A Conversation About UCLA’s Vital LGBTQ Space

Co-written by Dylan Chouinard and Kim Lau “There are three kinds of gays. Party gays like to have fun and get drunk. Political gays are activist-y and fight for rights and stuff. Normal gays fall in the middle.” If that…

A Minute of Your Time: Notes from the Canvassing Trail

The door standing in front of me is worn with age. It may have once been a pleasant shade of blue, but its extended life has stripped it of color. This weary door is my most daunting enemy. All I…


Like many in our community, I’ve been following the Republican presidential primary process with an ever-increasing amount of pure, unadulterated glee. As many have argued, the longer this circus goes on, and the zanier it gets, the better things look…

Gay and Pro-Life?

Huxley forecasted the ethical issues of human genetics, almost prophetically, in his 1931 novel Brave New World. In his future world, humans were selected before birth based on certain traits that were more socially ‘desirable’ in the dumbed-down dystopia he…

Keep It to Yourself

Photo by Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons Such was Rick Santorum’s response when Stephen Hill, an openly gay soldier asked him about his stance on DADT. Santorum, former Pennsylvania senator and the golden boy of social conservatives, delivered this gem during one…

Bachmann Campaign Organizer Tied to Uganda “Kill The Gays” Movement

Photo by Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons The Advocate reported this morning that a key Bachmann campaign operative, Peter Waldron, has spent extended periods of time in Uganda, and that he has close connections with Martin Ssempa, the leader of the congregation…

Christine O’Donnell Walks Off Interview Set After Piers Morgan Asks About Gay Rights

Remember Christine O’Donnell? That lady who kind of looks like Sarah Palin who almost was elected to the US Senate in 2010? Christine O’Donnell was in the Tea Party before it was cool. She was the original scary white lady, with sound bites that make Palin look like Sandra Day O’Conner.