Graphic by Christopher Ikonomou (Xe/He) We asked our staff members for their experiences with and opinions on Valentine’s Day. Here’s what they had to share! “I’m actually experiencing my first Valentine’s this year with my girlfriend, and even though the…
a letter to my love
Photo by Zoë Collins (she/her) Accompanied by Seethers’ Careless Whisper – Listen Now i want to meet you in a different universe.i’m not sure if i’m ready to meet you in this one. i’m not sure if i will ever…
From The Archive: Homosexuality in 9 Easy Steps (Fall 2000)
Welcome to OutWrite’s “From the Archive” series! This series is designed to provide an opportunity to interact with our organization’s archives, assess the opinions and relevance of our past content, and bring that content into the present. In doing so,…
If Walls Could Talk…
Photo by Zoë Collins (she/her) My hand drifted up against the wallFeeling each subtle groove and bumpInteract with my fingerprints,As if the wall was telling me a story,And I listened and told a story back. The wall said it knew…
An Interview with Rio Romeo: Love, Valentine’s Day, and What It Means To Be An Artist
Photography by Charis Shargel (She/Her)Edited by Christopher Ikonomou (Xe/He Co-Written by Emma Blakely (They/She/He), Charis Shargel (She/Her), Kristin Haegelin (She/Her), and Chrys Marr (She/They) In my opinion, there are criminally few artists that make unapologetically, candidly lesbian songs. To name…
An Exploration of Lesbian Communication: An Analysis of Speaking in Tongue (Fall 2000)
Graphic by Zoë Collins (she/her) *This article is a modern analysis of the themes and content of “Speaking in Tongue” (Fall 2000), the third installment of our From The Archive series.* There is no doubt that living in a cisheteronormative society is…
Isabel Fall: Casualty in the Fight for Good Representation
Graphic by Chrys Marr (she/they) As queer folks, we strive for decent representation in media. We want to uplift our voices, make sure our stories are seen and heard. It is understandable that we are defensive of who’s allowed to…
a queer friend in need
Graphic by Chrys Marr (She/They) sometimes you just need a queer friend in your life. a queer friend that is always by your side. someone that checks on you to see if you’re okay. someone that is always there to listen…
An Exploration of Euphoria: S2E3 “Ruminations: Big and Little Bullys”
Image from the Euphoria Instagram page @euphoria This is the third article in our series: “An Exploration of Euphoria.” To catch up on what you might’ve missed, check out last week’s article here. This series comes out on Sundays at…